Saturday, September 29, 2007

more people who disagree.....

so, here are some more arguments from other people who disagree with my perspective regarding the Lee Bollinger intro of the Iranian president....

1 comment:

Kelly Benjamin said...

good article. i felt compelled to respond a couple days ago that Bollinger didnt provide any "social disruption" by issuing scathing but trite insults to Ahmadinejad, he was just caving in to pressure from the fox news crowd and reinforcing our stereotype of arrogance. Now, if someone were to run up to the stage and throw a custard pie in his face, that would be a lasting and meaningful social disruption.
It just seems like Bollinger was a bit over the top. If you want to imagine a real "social disruption" how about Bollinger giving those critiques to the prince of Saudi Arabia...(who is equally, if not more so guilty of human rights violations than Ahmadinejad-only we have a nice business arrangement with his country so that wouldnt go over so well with the neocons.

There's a telling link at the bottom of the ZNet article to an old NYT piece on the Shah of Iran getting a honorary degree from Columbia. Must've been right after the 1953 coup I imagine.
See, that could have been your warm reception Ahmy, all you have to do is do what we tell you, embrace US dominated western capitalism, and of course, give us that OIL!